A little About Separation Coach Julie Gill
I’m a Separation Coach as well as a Mediator, Arbitrator, Certified Specialist in Separation Finances and the owner of Families First Mediation.
Early in my mediation practice I found that clients a)weren’t always ready to sit down in mediation with their ex and b) struggled through the financial process of disclosure and understanding both their current financial situation as well as their future options. They were also looking for answers and guidance that didn’t fit into the mediation process.
I started Separation Coach.com to help both represented and unrepresented clients feel supported and empowered to make informed decisions during their break up.
I’m divorced and had the unfortunate experience, cost and stress of going through the legal process during my life transition. After 20 years I can honestly say that I can provide a great deal of insight into some of the pitfalls. I can also tell you that there is life after separation.